Ways To Serve

Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is our mission to people outside the walls of the church. It begins in our own community, and spreads overseas to every nation. Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as feeding the homeless, to assisting in specific church ministries.

Homeless Outreach

These Ministries seeks to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of the homeless on the streets of our city, by partnering with churches and other non-profit organizations to serve and bless the lives of the less fortunate; and assisting kids with back to school clothes & supplies and “Christmas For Kids”.

Prison Outreach

The purpose of the CWWOM Prison Ministry is to reach lives for Jesus Christ behind prison walls.  This provides opportunities for men and women to serve in the local state prisons and support the families and children of the incarcerated parents.

Health & Wellness

Our Health & wellness Ministry addresses health needs and concerns by providing educational programs, activities, and printed information; that encourages all individuals within the church and community to make their physical, emotional, spiritual well-being a priority.

Children & Youth Ministry

Just as a responsible parent makes certain that their child’s physical and educational needs are met, we understand our role to assist parents with providing their spiritual needs; by helping build a biblical foundation which has greater value than anyeducation could provide. Each Sunday the teacher assumes the responsibility of transforming the gospel into a language that our young people can understand; and makes it relevant to their 21st century experiences.

Worship Ministry

We serve a creative God who gave us the ability to communicate. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us as Ambassadors to share His gospel with a spirit of excellence.  We believe that every tool available should be used to reach the world for Christ.  We utilize video presentations and sound equipment as a communication tool to effectively enhance our worship experience, proclaim the gospel, glorify God and magnify the name of our Lord & savior Jesus Christ.

Media/Tech Ministry

We serve a creative God who gave us the ability to communicate. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us as Ambassadors to share His gospel with a spirit of excellence.  We believe that every tool available should be used to reach the world for Christ.  We utilize video presentations and sound equipment as a communication tool to effectively enhance our worship experience, proclaim the gospel, glorify God and magnify the name of our Lord & savior Jesus Christ.